Olga Pankrateva

Olga lives in Bali and enjoys the freedom of being a freelance copywriter, surfing, traveling, meeting amazing people, doing yoga, and discovering the best of local food. She is also a huge fan of music with an endless desire to find and collect vinyl records, and dance to good music from world-famous and local artists.
Olga Pankrateva
June 13, 2022

With most of us having been working remotely for quite a while, we’ve already learned to enjoy the freedom and the comfort of working from home. Going remote can be truly exciting—but unfortunately, self-promotion may not always come naturally in this setting.

June 03, 2022

With technology making it easier than ever to connect with others across the globe, working from home and Zoom meetings have become the new normal. This convenience comes at a cost, however, as you might find yourself unable to stand out from the rest of the participants on a crowded computer screen, and as a result, you could get lost in the crowd. 

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