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Do you want to know how to become a Manual QA Tester in just a month? Read on to find out how right now.

Job Market
Sep 02, 2020

There are a lot of things you can do in a month. You can read 10 books, watch 20 films, start a new diet, start jogging, get a pet, join a public library, follow Kanye West on Instagram, and you can vote for someone at an election and feel extremely disappointed with the outcome. Obviously you get the picture, we do lots of things that are useful in life, and loads of things that are useless, and could be considered a complete waste of time! 

Yet, the one thing we can all do that isn’t a waste of time is learning. Learning with Careerist, for example, is never a waste of time, and, in fact, it’s always a gain for you and it’s a way of ensuring you have a successful career.

The focus of our article is the manual testing course at Careerist. Here is a short reminder of who a manual tester is, a manual QA tester is a quality assurance engineer who is responsible for checking software development processes. Their job is to improve processes, and to prevent and eliminate deficiencies within this software development process. 

All work processes are performed manually by manual testers, including the software testing itself, identifying problem areas, entering data into the database, and re-testing for errors. 

At Careerist, we offer courses in manual testing for everyone to enjoy. This includes people who have tech experience and those who have no experience in the tech field at all. Our course is both useful and enlightening, and not boring at all! (We know it’s an unlikely combo!) Our aim is to enable students to obtain a level of knowledge and understanding about the manual testing field that will allow them to apply, and get hired, at high paying jobs in the tech field.

So, how do you become a manual tester in just a month?

You join our Careerist manual testing course!

Our course lasts for over 50 hours, during which time you will learn and cover various topics with specialised tutors. These topics are practical and focused, so they provide you with all the information you need to know about the manual testing field and how to work in it. 

The topics we’ll cover with you include: Software QA Foundations, Web Application Testing, Mobile Application Testing, Advanced Skills, Preparing for the Job Market, and a Recap and Practice Session

The learning process will be guided by a team of professional instructors ready to explain and assist you at any stage. You can get to know more about these awesome guys right now at our website. 

Now let us look at each of the topics and lessons in some more depth.

The first two lessons on our manual testing course will be dedicated to having a career in software quality assurance, and examining the job market with you. Within these lessons, we will also cover the basics of testing software products including; user interface testing, discussing a bug’s life cycle, and the use of the JIRA bug tracking system. Additionally, we'll also talk about client-server architecture and BrowserStack.

We devote lessons 3, 4, and 5 to web application testing processes. We will consider different kinds of testing, in particular, the Waterfall, Agile, and Scrum approaches. These lessons will also include a practical task, whereby you, the student, will be asked to write web test applications, test cases, and bug reports of your own. Instructors will also be on hand to provide advice and mentorship during these lessons.

Lessons 6-8 will touch up on the topic of mobile application testing. Looking at; How are iOS and Android apps, Xcode, and Android Studio used for manual testing? How to install and uninstall applications and log files? And again, we will introduce a very important practical aspect to these lessons. You, the student, will test mobile applications, write test cases of your own, and report bugs back to your tutor.

During lessons 9 and 10 we'll move you onto learning some more advanced skills, such as, Unix and ADB commands, continuous integration, and working with databases. These lessons also contain a bonus. You, the student, will also be introduced to the API  testing processes and to the many different formats of transporting data.

The final stage of the course is dedicated to preparing you for the job market. Your instructors will not only share effective job searching strategies with you, but they will also give you a list of job market hacks. Plus, as a student you'll get a chance to practice for a job interview with your tutors, so you can perfect your interview technique! On a final note, we will go back over and do a quick recap of all the knowledge that you have acquired throughout this month long course. 


As you can see, it is possible to become a manual tester in just one month, and you can still enjoy life in the meantime.

Our course here at Careerist is a very practice-oriented course, and it has been designed to help novices to successfully enter the tech market, and to find a high paying job. 

The manual testing course has a specialised curriculum that has been built in such a way that it truly allows you to learn about manual QA testing in a single month. Our course is designed to provide you with the exact knowledge you will need to enter the job market, and we don’t bore you with silly details – we will teach you exactly what you need to know to actually do the job! Which is exactly why we only need a month of your time. 

Knowledge gained while on any Careerist course will always be relevant, applicable, and will always be up-to-date. Plus, we’re a really friendly bunch of people who can’t wait to teach you, and even learn from you.

If you’d like to become a manual QA tester, but you still have doubts, contact us. All you need to join our course today is ambition, a desire to learn, and a little bit of determination. The rest will all fall into line as you learn with our knowledgeable and supportive instructors.

Join us today! It’ll only take you a month to learn all you need to know about manual testing – the offer is too good to miss out on.

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