How often do we have to learn new things to do a certain job? In the ever-changing world of IT, it’s imperative now more than ever, to keep up to speed with the active development of information technologies and digitalization. Even the work we do is being transferred to digital format, and new programs are being introduced to help optimize work processes. But what are we to do?
When we are faced with the task of mastering a tool that is necessary to carry out our daily work we have many options, but ultimately the most popular methods are: independent learning or learning with the help of a specialist.
Both ways of studying are perfect for the IT world, and the only difference between the two methods is in the details.
Let's take a look at both learning methods and let’s try to understand which one is more preferable today.
Access to Online Content
There are currently loads of different self-instruction manuals out there that we all have access too. Pretty much anyone with access to the internet can download any manual that they need to learn any particular skill.
However, there are several disadvantages to this.
For example, how do you go about choosing a tutorial to start off your self-study? Each tutorial is written by a separate expert with their own background, so the style of storytelling and attention to detail. can differ across content. Not to mention that the styles of teaching they use might not suit your teaching style - not everyone likes to read hours worth of text and some people learn by doing.
In addition, let's not forget that many online manuals are paid, and there is no guarantee that by paying, which is very likely to be a considerable amount of money, you will receive a quality product.
It’s also important to remember that programs are constantly updated and supplemented, and online tutorials can become outdated fairly quickly.
You’ve Got To Be Organised
Let's say you've found an inexpensive (and maybe free), high-quality tutorial- you’ve landed on your feet.If you’re an organised individual, who needs little input from a tutor to keep yourself on track, you’ll find keeping track of your learning easy. This isn’t the case for everyone though.
For a lot of people making sense of all the information they’ve found online can be quite a messy process. For example, you set out to start learning, you start looking through the material, you try to put it into practice. You then plan the training schedule, what material you want to master, and you choose what sections to study, maybe you pick the sections necessary for your work. It seems okay and there are no major flaws. But, that’s where you’re wrong - flaws still exist.
First of all, you might burn yourself out with all the new information. You’ll likely feel overwhelmed with what you’ve seen and read and this can be a put off. Even if you do get past this stage, you never really know if you’re right or wrong with what you’ve just put into practice. And, you’re not going to be able to go beyond what you’ve just read without a tutors input.
Lack Of Feedback
As you know, we usually cannot look at our own results from an ‘outside’ perspective, and we struggle to analyze our weaknesses and work them out. Which is why we often need someone elses’ help to point things out to us. A tutor can aid you by providing you with vital feedback, and you can learn from them!
If you’re a get-up-and-go person and you can easily motivate yourself then self-education shouldn’t be a problem for you. But, this isn’t the case for many of us.
It is sometimes really hard to force yourself to practice when there are so many interesting things around. It’s really easy to get distracted and to put off your self-education at the stake of doing something else - like going to make a coffee, going for a walk, or catching up with a new boxset on TV
If you lack self-motivation and discipline, you will find that independent studying will be extremely difficult, and can sometimes be completely unbearable for you to do.
Studying Courses
Plethora Of Courses Available
Today, you can find courses on everything, from graphic design to culinary masterpieces. You can even complete some courses for free online and others charge a small fee. But all are equally appealing and fascinating.
Plus, some online courses come with university accreditations!
Personal Touch
What distinguishes self-education from being taught by an experienced specialist is the very fact that you have an actual person to teach you. A selected and proven training program typically means that you’ll have direct contact with an expert in the field, you’ll have the ability to ask questions and get detailed answers back. If you study in a group, you have the opportunity to develop teamwork and leadership skills, you have the opportunity to hold discussions, and you can make interesting contacts.
Plus, the fact that you have a tutor or a group to talk to can also be a motivator in itself. When we see other people working hard on a course we feel inclined to do the same. You get into the ‘learning zone’ by being around others.
More Rigid Structure
Classes with a tutor or trainer are likely to be less flexible than self-study, because you are tied to a specific schedule. But within this rigid schedule you have a chance in each session to obtain study material that is up-to-date, you get to see examples of applications in practice, and you can even help to correct mistakes in real time.
Financing Your Future
Typically, the higher the tutor or trainer's qualification on your course, the higher the cost of training can be. But in the modern world, we need to understand that investmenting in our own education will pay off very quickly. In addition, there are now programs that allow you to learn the necessary skills you desire for free, and others state that you only pay for courses when you're in employment.
For example, you can take Careerist's ‘Software Quality Assurance course’ and you pay the majority of your tuition once you are in work – Careerist is confident in their methods and in the success of their students!
The Next Step
If you want to make $70,000-100,000 per year as a manual software testing engineer, or more than $115,000 a year as an automated testing engineer, you need to sign up to one of our courses today! Plus, you won’t end up paying your tuition fees until you get an actual job.
Sign up for your course now!