If you’re concerned that you won’t be able to get an amazing job at a massive company, then you need to read on. Clinton managed to secure a job offer at a leading organization and is now thriving there! You could be next…

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself, please...
Hi all! Before joining the program I didn’t have much of a technical background. I was doing a completely different, but tech-related job. I currently reside in Washington, D.C..
When did you join the course?
I joined the course in December 2020. I graduated in January 2021 and I started my job search in February.
It took me almost five months to find a job, but I’d say three out of the five months were really good. I wasn’t very committed at the beginning and I didn’t follow all the instructions that we were given. You could say I was inconsistent. As you may have guessed, I got a lot of NOs.
Things picked up in my third month!
How did your interviews go?
I attended several interview rounds with various companies. Usually the interviews were very simple.
There were a couple of interviews with big companies like Amazon. But I felt that they overestimated my automation skills and abilities. I believe it was because they thought I knew more about automation than I did, and because I was pretty confident during my interviews. After that, I continued looking for manual positions.
When I went to interviews, I got all the basic questions, like 99% of them were mentioned in the final videos you gave us on the course. Your level of spoken English and general confidence level matters in interviews though.
The company that hired me didn’t ask me about API or SQL. It was a very quick hiring process.
Did you have any practice runs before going to your interviews?
I just went through the basic questions, and I learnt about positive and negative testing. I also had time to familiarize myself with test cases beforehand, and I did some web testing practice.
Interviewers are more interested in seeing if you can use your initiative, and if you are a solution-finder during interviews.
What job did you get?
My job is 100% remote and I’m working from home. I have been working in my role for about a month and a half. It’s a $75,000 a year QA engineer position at a really big company. Experience in the company and the company’s name is worth more than just the money.
Are you happy with where you work?
The environment is absolutely fantastic. My co-workers are welcoming and the job itself is simple. It’s pretty much all about regression testing and going through test cases.
What would you like to say to your fellow graduates?
Be confident. You should know all the basic questions before going to interviews, and you need to know the components of a test case, a bug and a bug report. You are also expected to be familiar with SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) as well. Just be prepared.
Undoubtedly you will get a lot of NOs, but don’t give up, because there will be one email that will change the whole story for you. A big thanks to the Careerist guys who kept on pushing me towards my goal.
Thanks for sharing your motivational story with us all. It’s great to hear that you have an amazing job at a massive company – we are so pleased for you. Keep us posted.